


Paulina Portilla serves as Manager of Membership at GPCA where she coordinates onboarding, maintenance, and engagement for both current and prospective GPCA members. Paulina is also the Manager of Membership for LAVCA, where she ensures members are kept abreast of the latest activity in Latin America and globally. Paulina’s role across both organizations is to help investors stay connected with global and regional networks of like-minded peers.


Paulina obtained her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College where she concentrated in Intercultural Studies and Mandarin Chinese. As an undergraduate, she studied abroad at Donghua University in Shanghai, China where she worked on the Marketing and Communications team at Vorwerk, a German appliance company. Before joining GPCA, Paulina worked in member relations at the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce. Paulina is fluent in Spanish and has intermediate proficiency in Mandarin Chinese.
